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It’s easy to walk into a doctor’s office, confident in your decision to pursue breast augmentation, but all of a sudden you feel unsure about the next steps. How do you even choose a doctor? How will surgery affect your life in terms of recovery? 

Today we’re discussing 17 common questions (you could even print this out and bring it with you to your appointment!) to ask at your initial consultation, to ensure that you cover all the important inquiries, which will help guarantee an amazing outcome for your breast augmentation surgery.

1. Is Your Doctor Certified?

Ask your doctor if they are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. If the answer is no, run away, and run fast. A breast augmentation is a significant, potentially costly, once-in-a-lifetime surgery. The level of qualification held by the doctor performing your breast augmentation will determine the level of your satisfaction with the outcome! 

Chances are, if you are finding cheap coupons for a doctor no one has heard of, who is offering breast augmentations at ridiculously low prices, it’s too good to be true.

If the answer is no, run away, and run fast.

2. Are They Properly Trained?

Ask if your doctor was specifically trained in the field of plastic surgery. You can go to medical school, but not major in this specific field. Again, breast augmentation is not something you want to be done by a quack, so make sure your doctor is someone you trust.

3. What's Their Surgical Track Record?

Ask how many years they were trained in school, and how many years they have been practicing. A great way to find a doctor is to ask your friends who they have seen for their breast augmentations. Good reviews and ratings online are never a bad thing to check out either. 

4. Where Will the Surgery Take Place?

Where will the surgery be taking place? Does your doctor have a surgery in his office? What is the environment there like? Does he have hospital privileges, and for what hospitals does he hold those privileges? 

Make sure you have a chance to understand, if not see for yourself, where the operation will take place in order to ensure that you are comfortable with the environment. Never agree to a surgery in a location where you do not feel safe and well taken care of. 

5. Is Your Doctor Legitimate?

In the same line as #4, is the office based surgery facility recognized by an accrediting agency, either national or state? Is it state-licensed or Medicare-certified? These questions all give you assurance that your doctor and his office are legal, official, and will do everything in their power to take care of you safely and professionally.

6. Are You A Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Are you a good candidate for breast enhancement or breast enlargement? Ask your doctor to speak bluntly about their suggestions for you. You may have done your online research, but they have gone to school for years to understand these treatments, and so will be able to accurately suggest the perfect surgery to accomplish your goals. 

Choose a surgeon who you are able to trust completely. Their advice and expertise is invaluable.

Ask your doctor to speak bluntly about their suggestions for you.

7. Doing Your Part... Which Is... What, Exactly?

It’s important to have a cohesive understanding of what will be expected of you to get the results you are hoping for? Will you undergo surgery, only to have a regimen of exercises to do for the rest of your life to keep your breast shape? Will you have to return for follow-up surgeries to maintain your goals? 

Make sure you have proper expectations of what the outcome will be and how you will retain it.

Make sure you have proper expectations of what the outcome will be, and how you will retain it.

8. Do A Walk-Through

Ask your doctor to literally walk you through where your breast augmentation will be taking place, and ask them to figuratively walk you through what the procedure will be. Depending on what kind of augmentation you and your doctor decide is best for you, the surgery will go a bit differently. 

9. What Kind of Implant Will You Be Getting?

What kind of implant does your doctor recommend for you, if you are seeking to enlarge your breasts? Ask questions about incision sites, placement, sizes, and surface texturing. 

It’s critical to make sure that you and your doctor are on the same page with how you want your gorgeous, enhanced breasts to look.

Make sure you fully understand the time commitment required for recovery, and be wary if your doctor tries to tell you you'll be right back on your feet.

10. How Long Will Recovery Take?

What is recovery going to look like? Will you need to make sure you have someone to drive you home? To assist at home? How long will you need to rest at home, and what is the schedule for resuming both normal and vigorous levels of activity. 

Make sure you fully understand the time commitment required for recovery, and be wary if your doctor tries to tell you you’ll be right back on your feet. Recovery from any kind of surgery is no joke, and if your doctor is not taking you and your health seriously, that is a big red flag.

11. Does Your Doctor Explain the "Fine Print" Of Breast Augmentation?

Listen carefully for your doctor’s explanation of risks and complications. Again, if he is not taking these things into consideration and fully explaining them, he may be undermining your safety for the sake of a “sale.” Any surgeon worth their salt will be entirely open and honest with you concerning possible side effects, risks, or complications. Of course, they will also have years of experience and expertise to ensure that any such potential threats are kept to a minimum and effective solutions are always 

12. How will Complications Be Dealt With?

How will your doctor handle complications? Do they send you to a different hospital, or are they prepared to take care of you? Especially pay attention to things like bedside manner and whether your doctor expresses compassion. These will come into play if you have further complications and need special treatment.

Pay attention to things like bedside manner and whether your doctor expresses compassion.

13. Is Breast Augmentation One and Done?

How many breast-augmentation related surgeries can you be expected to need post-operation? Some women, particularly those who are done having children biologically, and maintain a steady weight, may not require follow-up surgery, while some might need to go for future augmentations, depending on several factors.

14. Can I Breastfeed After a Breast Augmentation?

How will your ability to breastfeed be affected? As previously stated, most women choose to pursue breast augmentation only after they are finished having children biologically, because of the affect pregnancy and breastfeeding, and all the hormones involved, have upon the breast. However, if breastfeeding in the future is important to you, talk to your doctor and ask if that will be a possibility.

15. What If You Don't Like The End Result of Your Breast Augmentation?

What are the options if once your breast augmentation is finished, you don’t like the outcome? Perhaps the surgery did not have the impact you were hoping for, or perhaps you simply prefer a different look. What options will your doctor offer for those situations.

16. What Will Happen If You Take Your Implants Out?

 How will your breasts change if you choose to remove the implants without replacing them in the future? This is something to take into account as well. Discuss these considerations with your doctor before consenting to the surgery. 

Ask your doctor for before and after photos you can take a look at, to help give you an idea of what breast augmentation truly accomplishes.

17. Does Your Doctor have Before and After Pictures?

Does your doctor have breast augmentation before and after photos you can take a look at, to help give you an idea of what breast augmentation truly accomplishes and what result you can reasonably hope for? Ask if they are your doctor’s patients specifically, this will give you another peek into what your experience with this doctor will look like.

Armed with this comprehensive list of questions, you and your doctor that you choose will be able to communicate effectively and thoroughly! A piece of advice that is true in both marriage and in breast augmentation is this: that uncommunicated expectations lead to disappointment, conflict, and un-achieved goals. Make sure you and your doctor are on the same page, and you will be walking away from your breast augmentation with a smile, ready to enjoy the confidence and freedom your newly enhanced breasts bring.

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Saline vs. Silicone: Which Breast Implant is Right for You?

April 14, 2023 No Comments

We understand that choosing the right type of breast implant is an essential part of the journey toward achieving your desired look. Whether someone is looking to enhance their natural curves, correct natural asymmetry, or restore their pre-baby body, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide of the two most popular types of breast implants — saline and silicone — to help women find the perfect match for their body and lifestyle!

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What is an En Bloc Capsulectomy?

January 30, 2023 No Comments

En bloc removal has been rising in popularity, but for many women, removing the entire capsule in one piece is unnecessary and carries an unnecessary increased element of risk. To help you distinguish between the two aforementioned procedure approaches and empower you to choose a method that represents the safe removal of breast implants, we have compiled everything you need to know about en bloc capsulectomy and implant removal below!

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Breast Augmentation: Fat Transfer vs. Breast Implants: What’s the Difference?

May 9, 2022 No Comments

Have you been considering increasing the size or improving the shape of your breasts? If so, you’ve found the right Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon! The Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery has both the information and expertise to guide you on your journey! But first, it is important to understand the differences between your two primary choices for breast augmentation: fat transfer and breast implants.

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