Sleek, Fit Thighs

Do you have extra skin that hangs on your thighs? Are you embarrassed to wear leg-revealing clothing or bathing suits in public? Have you lost weight but need assistance with the leftover skin to finalize your weight-loss transformation? If so, the expertise of a knowledgeable cosmetic plastic surgeon like our board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon, Dr. William Vinyard, can restore your thighs to a more toned appearance.

What Is a Thigh Lift?

At his practice, Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery (VIPS), in Port Saint Lucie, FL, Dr. Vinyard regularly consults with patients with aesthetic concerns about their thighs. Thigh lifts are often sought after significant weight loss or to address the natural effects of aging, which can lead to sagging skin and loss of skin elasticity in the thigh area. By removing redundant, hanging skin on the outer or inner thighs, thighplasty reveals a firmer, more contoured appearance. The procedure can enhance body proportions, boost self-confidence, and improve overall comfort and satisfaction with one's appearance.

Who Is a Candidate?

We see many men and women at VIPS who are not satisfied with the appearance or size of their thighs. Patients who are ideal candidates for this cosmetic surgery will have hanging, loose, or wrinkly skin on the thighs (either the inner or outer thighs or both) that can only be remedied with a surgical thigh lift in Port Saint Lucie, FL. Please remember that if cellulite is your main problem, Dr. Vinyard can suggest other procedures designed to help decrease the appearance of cellulite.

Losing weight is usually the main culprit for lax skin on the thighs. Depending on how long you have had extra weight and how much weight you have lost, hanging skin may be a concern if it cannot return to its original size and shape.

Older patients may experience sagging thighs due to genetics or the skin's natural aging process. Also, we see women whose body shape changes after a pregnancy and never returns to its original shape. These are all ideal candidates for a thigh lift.

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What Is the Technique?

Dr. Vinyard can perform your thigh lift in Port Saint Lucie, FL, at our fully accredited, state-of-the-art VIPS Surgery Center. Once in the operating room and under general anesthesia, an incision is made for your inner or outer thigh lift. Inner thigh lift incisions will start close to the top portion of the thigh (in your natural crease) toward your groin. This incision typically continues to a midpoint of the inner thigh area. Outer thigh lift incisions are also made in the groin area but extended to the outer hip area for more coverage.

The incisions will leave room for Dr. Vinyard to use a cannula for liposuction, if necessary, to remove isolated pockets of fat and trim all the loose skin at the selected area. The remaining skin will be pulled upward so it is tight and safely secured with sutures. In specific cases, an incision may be necessary in the outer thigh area or underneath the buttocks, depending on how much tissue is removed. This surgery at VIPS reshapes your thigh area, leaving a proportionate, tight, better-contoured appearance.

What to Expect

Thigh lift surgery takes an average of 2-3 hours to complete. After the surgery, you will be monitored and sent home to begin your recovery. There is typically bruising, swelling, and discomfort during the first days of recovery. Within a few days, most patients are up and slowly walking, which is recommended for improved blood circulation and speedier healing. The entire recovery period typically takes about 6-8 weeks. At-home wound care instructions provided by Dr. Vinyard will help the incision to heal well. Even though there will be some scarring, the new shape and contour of your thighs will help you feel better in your clothing and have much more self-confidence.

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Why Choose the Makeover Master?

Dr. William Vinyard, affectionately known as the "Makeover Master," brings over 12 years of experience as a board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon. He seamlessly blends surgical precision with artistic finesse to craft expertly sculpted results. As the Makeover Master, Dr. Vinyard aligns each procedure with his patients' vision, helping them regain self-confidence and joy through innovative techniques and patient-centered care. 

Dr. Vinyard's compassionate approach even involves serenading patients with country songs before procedures to ensure a soothing experience. The entire VIPS team, fueled by compassion and Dr. Vinyard's unmatched skill, make the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery the trusted Makeover Destination. His results consistently exceed expectations, bringing lasting, life-enhancing changes to those who entrust their cosmetic journey to him.

Schedule Your Consultation

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How much does thigh lift surgery cost?

Will a thigh lift remove cellulite or stretch marks?

How long will my results last?

Can I combine a thigh lift with other surgeries?

What about a non-surgical thigh lift?

How much does thigh lift surgery cost?

The total cost of thigh lift surgery will include Dr. Vinyard's surgical and professional fees. As soon as Dr. Vinyard has created your custom thigh lift surgical plan in your consultation, he will be better equipped to estimate your costs. Since a thigh lift is considered a cosmetic plastic surgery, insurance generally will not cover it. VIPS can help you find low-interest financing through CareCredit to make your thighplasty more affordable.

Will a thigh lift remove cellulite or stretch marks?

A thigh lift is an excellent surgical choice for slimming the contour of your legs and enhancing their overall appearance. Since the procedure calls for skin tightening and removing extra fat, a thigh lift can improve the appearance of cellulite or other skin irregularities (like stretch marks) on your thighs. If you want to address cellulite or stretch marks, let Dr. Vinyard know during your consultation so he can adjust your surgical plan, which may include some nonsurgical treatments after surgery.

How long will my results last?

If you follow a healthy lifestyle that includes a proper diet and regular exercise, you should enjoy the results of your thigh lift for a long time. Dr. Vinyard recommends you be at or near a sustainable weight before surgery so it is easy to maintain your results. Pregnancy or significant weight changes after a thighplasty can compromise your results. During your consultation, Dr. Vinyard will talk about what you can do to make your surgical results last longer. As you age, you will see less elasticity in your skin from the natural aging process.

Can I combine a thigh lift with other surgeries?

Thigh lifts can be added to other plastic surgeries if Dr. Vinyard approves. Many women add a thigh lift to their mommy makeover. We have weight loss patients seeking thigh lifts to remove the redundant thigh skin that causes irritation and is not aesthetically pleasing. During your consultation, talk to Dr. Vinyard about all your concerns and aesthetic goals so he can create a treatment plan that gives you the desired results. Also, some of our patients use their thigh fat to have it transferred to other body parts for a more natural augmentation instead of using fillers or implants. Thigh fat can be transferred to the face, breasts, and buttocks.

What about a non-surgical thigh lift?

While there are non-surgical options for fat reduction and skin tightening, they can only support minor improvements. A thighplasty is the best way to address the moderate-to-severe amount of redundant skin and stubborn pockets of fat on your legs. If you are interested in non-surgical procedures, ask Dr. Vinyard for more information during your consultation. He will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of surgical and non-surgical thigh treatments available at VIPS and his opinion on the right fit for your intentions.

Get Tighter, Toned Thighs

If you have sagging skin on your inner or outer thighs that causes anxiety or embarrassment, we invite you to call VIPS in Port Saint Lucie, FL, to learn more about thighplasty. It is common for patients to combine this procedure with other contouring methods, especially surgeries that correct loose skin on the mid-to-low areas of the torso, including a tummy tuck or a lower body lift.

Schedule your consultation with cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Vinyard and get the slimmer appearance you desire. Our team serves patients from Vero Beach, Palm Beach, Fort Pierce, and beyond.

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Plan Your Procedure

  • Recovery time: 1-2 weeks
  • Average procedure time: 3-4 hours
  • Post-op follow-up: 1-3 days
  • Procedure recovery location: Outpatient
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The VIPS Difference

  • International Recognition: Artistry, Compassion and Skills
  • Revolutionary Approach: Customized Makeovers
  • Excellence Multiplied: A Team of Aesthetic Experts Mentored by The Makeover Master
  • Signature Medspa: Exceptional Treatments & Elite Products
  • Quad A Distinction: Luxury Private Surgery Center
  • Coveted VIPS Experience: Quality, Comfort & Real Connections
  • Expect the Exceptional: Consistently Redefining ‘Exceeding Expectations’
  • Beyond a Single Procedure: Crafting Lifelong Aesthetic Relationships
  • Exclusive Access: Why Our Unique Process Requires Patient Selection

See The VIPS Difference

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