There comes a point in every individual’s lifetime when one realizes that time is passing far quicker than seems possible. A trigger for this realization can be as simple and subtle as a quick glance in the mirror as you brush your teeth in the morning, and you are greeted by the surprising sight of wrinkles in the corners of your eyes, or cheeks starting to lose their plump nature!
Society continues to seek for the perfect cure to symptoms of age, and it seems that every manufacturer in the world has a cream, serum, lifestyle, or supplement that claims to retain your skin’s youthful glow. But the honest to goodness truth is that while all those things can be great preventatively for a time, once the wrinkles start appearing there isn’t too much you can do. That is, except for radiofrequency treatments.
They are one of the most effective and unparalleled ways to combat wrinkles and other loose skin issues that have already appeared, and there are many different avenues by which you can receive this treatment.
What is a Radiofrequency Treatment?
A radiofrequency treatment is a procedure that tightens the skin by emitting radiofrequent levels of energy, which are passed over or through the targeted areas. This energy works like a wool sweater in the dryer upon the collagen-filled tissues that compose the skin: it “shrinks” it, causing the skin to lose its sag and regain its bounce and glow.
High frequency energy requires an exact control to ensure that the correct amount of energy is penetrating the skin and causing the desired outcome.
Are Radiofreqency Treatments Safe?
This treatment should be administered by a board-certified plastic surgeon in a fully-equipped office or medical environment, using a device that is intended for this purpose. High frequency energy requires an exact control to ensure that the correct amount of energy is penetrating the skin and causing the desired outcome without damage.
A Few Radiofrequency Treatment Examples
There are several different types of treatments that are intended to tighten the skin using radio frequent waves of energy, and this may be overwhelming. Morpheus 8 Microneedling and FACEtite are two treatments that target different issues and areas, and are two great options to consider.
Morpheous 8 Microneedling
Morpheus 8 is the name of the device that is used to administer this type of treatment; a tool with microneedles is rotated over the surface area to create minute injuries that “interrupt” the cells and encourage them to create more collagen. As the skin heals, the new skin that is produced is smooth, glowing, and revived. This method is combined with pulses of RF energy emitted by the microneedles that puncture the skin and uses the heat as well as micro-injuries to stimulate collagen production more effectively.
During your recovery time you will begin to see your skin healing and the vibrant new skin emerging!
The full recovery time from a microneedling procedure is anywhere from three to four weeks. During this time you will begin to see your skin healing and the vibrant new skin emerging! This type of microneedling is extremely effective at restoring both the aesthetic of the skin as well as the texture and supplety, making it a great option for either facial rejuvenation or an alternative to a facelift.
FACEtite is another amazing option, best suited for treatment of more delicate, smaller areas of the face, such as smile lines or crow’s feet. It also is able to reduce sagging skin on the chin and neck.
FACEtite is a minimally invasive procedure that involves a probe skimming the interior and exterior of the skin.
FACEtite is a minimally invasive procedure that involves a probe skimming the interior and exterior of the skin, emitting RF energy to signal the natural production of collagen and dissolve pockets of fat that have refused to budge. A small cannula will be inserted to remove excess fat, as needed to contour and slim the face down to your ideal level of definition.
Recovery from FACEtite lasts about one to two weeks, although the full results will be gradually emerging over the initial 8 weeks post procedure. There may be some redness or swelling in the first few days, but even then your face will be showing the results and looking rejuvenated and youthful once again.
There may be some redness or swelling in the first few days, but even then your face will be showing the results and looking rejuvenated and youthful once again.
Why Choose A Radiofrequency Treatment
For some clients, a doctor may recommend that instead of receiving a traditional facelift you consider one of these radiofreqency treatment options to combat the symptoms of time. Both FACEtite and Radiofrequency Microneedling are minimally invasive, effective against loose skin and wrinkles, and are able in some cases to do a more precise job than a facelift. If you are feeling nervous about a full-fledged surgery like a facelift, one of these alternatives is a great substitute.
The best way to discover what the ideal treatment for you is to help you achieve all your hopes and dreams is to speak to a professional. A plastic surgeon with proper training will look at each client and case individually, and curate a treatment plan taking into account all the specifics that will play into the results and hoped for outcome.
Celebrate the Youthful You!
There are so many amazing options out there for those who are ready to rediscover their jawlines, bid farewell to wrinkles, and restore that youthful glow to their faces. Ask your doctor about these radiofreqency energy treatments, and get ready to enjoy the results!
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