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For women everywhere, vaginal rejuvenation can seem like an intimidating subject.  That is why FEMtite is a groundbreaking new option for women considering vaginal rejuvenation.

FEMtite is a non-invasive, non-surgical, nearly pain-free procedure that reduces overly large labia, which can be the root cause of discomfort during exercise, daily life activities such as sitting or wearing tight clothing, and intimacy.

Restore Your Feminine Side

There's no longer a reason to settle for pain or discomfort. Book Your Complimentary Consultation

What Is FEMtite?

FEMtite is a new, minimally invasive vaginal treatment that is able to produce the effects of a labiaplasty. 

FEMtite is able to reduce the size of the labia by using a device that emits radio-frequency waves of energy. This device transmits energy between two small metal probes, one of which is inserted in a tiny incision below the skin, while the other probe skims the surface. The beams of energy shrink the skin in their path immediately.

How Quick is The Recovery From This Vaginal Rejuvination Process?

Compared to a traditional labiaplasty, the recovery time from FEMtite amounts to almost nothing. Most patients require less than three days of recovery; some require a bit longer, depending on how significant the reduction will be. While a traditional labiaplasty requires a lengthy amount of time to care for sutures (meaning a long hiatus from sexual intimacy), you will be able to resume all normal activities soon after your FEMtite procedure. Your doctor will go over your exact recovery care prescriptions, and establish a timeline for all levels of activity post-procedure.

Welcome To The Future

Female struggles no longer need to be secret. Dr. Vinyard and the VIPS nurses can help! Book Your Complimentary Consultation

Who Is a Good Candidate For FEMtite?

FEMtite vaginal rejuvenation is a completely personal decision; if you are suffering physical irritation or emotional discomfort as a result of the size of your labia, then it may be time to seek help.

FEMtite is best for women who are done having children, as pregnancy and childbirth can have an affect on your outcome.

A vaginal rejuvenation is a completely personal decision; if you are suffering physical irritation or emotional discomfort as a result of the size of your labia, then it may be time to seek help.

What Are The Risks of FEMtite?

FEMtite has almost no side-effects or risks, when administered by a professional, board-certified physician in medical environment. A local anesthetic will be administered to reduce any discomfort during the procedure; an adverse reaction to anesthesia is possible. Minor swelling, tightness of the skin, or irritation is a completely normal experience within the first few days after your vaginal rejuvenation process.

Minor swelling, tightness of the skin, or irritation is a completely normal experience within the first few days after your vaginal rejuvenation process.

No Matter What Stage Of Life You're In...

FEMtite improves the quality of life for women, regardless of whether they're in college or retirement. Book Your Complimentary Consultation

How Long Will Your FEMtite Results Last?

FEMtite results are different for each and every client; your doctor will discuss how long you can expect your outcome to remain. Generally, the results last for years, particularly if you are attentive to maintaining a healthy weight. For most patients, one treatment will address the issues of one area permanently.

One of the amazing side-benefits of FEMtite is that it is a gift that keeps on giving: for up until six months after you receive your FEMtite treatment, results will continue to improve. Clients generally experience optimal results after twelve weeks, although there will be a noticeable change immediately following your vaginal rejuvenation.

Don't Suffer In Silence: Ask For FEMtite Today

If you or someone you love is wrestling with loving themselves in their own skin, this miraculous new option for reducing excess skin is the perfect choice. With little to no downtime, instant results, and no major surgery, FEMtite is an incredible solution for women everywhere. Schedule a private consultation with a plastic surgeon you trust, and inquire about FEMtite for you today!

coolsculpting vs. kybella for double chin which treatment is right for you

CoolSculpting vs. Kybella for Double Chin: Which Treatment is for You?

May 17, 2023 No Comments

We’ll compare two of the most popular non-invasive treatments for double chin reduction: CoolSculpting and Kybella. As you embark on your journey to reclaim your jawline and accentuate your facial contours, knowing which treatment is right for you is essential. Let’s break down the science behind these cutting-edge procedures, weigh the pros and cons, and help you make the best choice to enhance your natural beauty!

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