How to Optimize Your BODYtite™ Results with a Safe Recovery
The body-contouring market is experiencing healthy growth - with a global market value of almost $1 billion in 2017 and a projected $3.5 billion for 2025, the market has enough incentives to develop superior technologies and, therefore, convince more people of the wonders o...
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3 VIPS Skin Treatments for Stunning Wedding Season Photos!
Weddings, when two people bring together their families and loved ones to celebrate their first steps into this world as a married couple, have always been a time for joy and celebration. While still in winter, many of us are looking forward to the almost-around-the-corner weddin...
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Feminine Self-Care With Two Types of Vaginal Rejuvenation!
Vaginal rejuvenation is aligning itself more and more with women's intimate needs, and the statistics are quick to show it - in 2016 alone, the popularity of labiaplasty grew by 39% and, in 2019, by 9%. With such numbers in mind, we think it is necessary to take a mom...
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Level Up Your Skin Care With Our Daily 5-Step SkinMedica Routine
The global COVID-19 pandemic, no doubt, has brought significant changes into our lives. From the workplace to our own homes, many of us had to rethink how to shop, dress, eat, or even organize our daily schedules. Many of us have noticed this mentality shift in our beauty r...
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The 4 Stages of Selecting a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
During the last two decades, the field of plastic surgery has experienced a booming expansion. In 2019 alone, plastic surgeons around the country have performed more than 16 million procedures, with almost $17 billion spent. Quite a feat, right? More and more would-be pati...
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Morpheus8: A Valuable Treatment for Your Skincare Routine!
Did you know that the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed how many women perceive skincare? With many of them working from home during quarantine, a growing number of women have decided to rely less and less on makeup and work skincare routines into their daily...
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Prepping For The Beach: Your VIPS Bikini Body Guide
The holidays have come and gone, the new year is toes-deep, and the promise of spring lurks around the corner. Before we know it, summer will be here, and we'll be ready to finally hit the beach, see others safely, and indulge in the sunlight. There’s no better time t...
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Common Question: How Much Does Liposuction Cost?
The world of plastic surgery goes through constant development. New technologies make their way into the market every year, making plastic surgeons' work more comfortable and safer. However, these changes can go even further. Similarly, depending on different factors, the p...
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Laser Blepharoplasty: The Advanced Technique to a Classic Procedure
“The eyes are the window to your soul,” one of our timeless classics believed. Whether it's true or not, the eyes are a trademark of beauty, and they deserve to be visible. Unfortunately, through natural aging and factors such as sunlight and gravity, the anatom...
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How Is A Scarless Labiaplasty Performed? Introducing Aviva FemTITE
Yes, we're going to talk about it - we’re going to talk about the place ~down there~. It’s the bikini spot, the leggings area, the topic that makes people blush: the labia. As women age, genetics, pregnancy, childbirth, weight loss, physical trauma, and ot...
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