
Understanding the Language of the Facelift

As in many other fields, the exponential growth of the Internet has made plastic surgery more and more available to the public. Nowadays, potential patients are one click away from researching their desired cosmetic procedures, which is fantastic! From price estimates to before-a...

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The 3 Most Popular Reasons for Votiva (FORMA V) Treatments

Even though it has gained so much in popularity in the past years, the subject of vaginal rejuvenation is not always on people's minds, especially for potential patients who could actually benefit from plastic surgery’s recent medical and technological advancements. I...

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Celebrate The Holidays Hair-Free with Laser Hair Removal

The holiday season is nearing. The thoughts of work parties, fancy events, and long nights surrounded by your loving family are the main things that come to mind. We know you want to enjoy a stunning look and feel confident during all of these events - after all, it is not...

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Year of the VIPS Skin Rejuvenation Package

The holiday season is right upon us. Numerous guests, parties, and family events await you during this magical time of the year. Furthermore, this is the perfect time for year-long resolutions. While your friends might think about reading or traveling more, we see it as the best...

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How Skincare Products Can Improve Cosmetic Treatment Results

Skin health is the underpinning of a successful skin rejuvenation procedure, and it is worth investing in yourself to get the most out of your procedure. While treatments generally target rebuilding and resurfacing, products address skin issues, such as blackheads, congestion, ir...

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FORMA V: A Non-Surgical Treatment for Stress Urinary Incontinence

Are you a mother and find that you cross your legs when you sneeze, are scared of jumping, or are constantly anxious about embarrassing accidents? In that case, you may be dealing with Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). If you think that you're the only one who experiences...

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What’s a Mommy Makeover, and is It Right for You?

Mothers make the world go ‘round — we all know this. There is so much we have to thank mothers for, and many of us don't realize just how much mothers experience to bring life into the world. Many women experience dramatic changes to their bodies after giving bi...

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Is Liposuction the Best Way to Achieve Your Fat Loss Resolution?

It's the beginning of another crazy year, but one thing is still the same. Hundreds of thousands of people are evaluating what steps they can take to better their health and their appearance, and fat loss is a common goal among these. Perhaps you’re asking yourself, i...

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Setting Clear Expectations for Your Facelift Recovery

The natural aging process has kicked in. As you are passing by the mirror, you realize that, over the years, your face has lost its youthful contour. While age is the main contributor to these changes, different factors, either genetic (heredity) or external (gravity, sun damage...

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3 Cosmetic Procedures That Will Shine in Florida in 2021!

As the year 2020, with all its ups and downs, leaves the sight of our calendars and the year 2021 comes in, not without great hopes for a healthy, peaceful future, we cannot help but think about how the field of plastic surgery was reshaped during the COVID-19 pandemic.After a di...

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