How To Pick The Perfect Breast Implant Size?
Choosing the perfect breast implant size is a big task that's more personalized, thoughtful, complicated, and in-depth than most people realize. It’s more than screenshotting images off of googling celebrity bodies or cutting photos from Victoria Secret catalogs. Whil...
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Why Don’t Tummy Tucks Hurt As Much As They Used To?
The tummy tuck procedure (scientifically known as abdominoplasty) has become a standard of excellence in body contouring as an alternative to traditional liposuction. For the past two decades, a growing number of patients have chosen tummy tucks to regain the firmness and contour...
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The Next Big Thing is CoolSculpting Elite: Here’s Why Top Celebrities Want to Keep This Secret to Themselves
It's no secret that the big Hollywood names take to the plastic surgeon’s office from time to time to make some of their aesthetic imperfections magically disappear. Nowadays, instead of asking “why are they doing it?” people are anxious to find out an ans...
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Introducing CoolSculpting® Elite – Why Is Coolsculpting® Elite Superior To The Original CoolSculpting®?
CoolSculpting® has taken the world by storm. As an alternative to liposuction, many people have come to swear by CoolSculpting® Legacy and its innovative, convenient and effective procedure. Using a controlled cooling applicator to target and break down fat without surger...
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DiamondGlow vs. Hydrafacial: Why Did We Switch to DiamondGlow?
With all its drawbacks, challenges, and rewards, today's society asks every one of us to bring out our best, most confident selves every day, and one of the starting points that can lead us towards confident selves is skincare. There is no surprise here - many of us h...
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CoolSculpting Elite vs Sculpsure vs Kybella vs CoolSculpting Legacy
“To Sculpt or not to Sculpt?” The question has been on everyone's mind in 2021 since the release of the newest, most technologically advanced body-contouring device on the body-contouring market: CoolSculpting® Elite! For more than four months now, pa...
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The Biggest Problem with CoolSculpting and How the New CoolSculpting Elite Fixes It
For the past decade, when people found that they have stubborn pockets of fat resistant to exercise, diet, and more, who have they turned to? The tried-and-true form of non-invasive, no downtime, efficient form of fat reduction — CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting has been perman...
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5 Common Misconceptions About CoolSculpting Elite®
The name “CoolSculpting® Elite” has become synonymous with “nonsurgical body contouring at its best,” and this device's incredible stats are here to back this claim: up to 20%-25% more fat reduction, dual applicators, and 18% more skin surface, a...
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The Top 3 VIPS Procedures for Summer 2021
Summer, the season for long days at the beach, relaxation, and peace of mind, is hiding right behind the corner, ready to greet those of us who enjoy the warm sun rays more than anything else. After long and diligent months of work, it is time for you to reward yourself and turn...
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Body Areas That Can Be Treated With CoolSculpting Elite
The CoolSculpting® Elite revolution doesn't show signs of stopping! Ever since its phenomenal hit on the shelves in March, this device has been setting a standard in nonsurgical body contouring that other devices and procedures might not rival for a long time. The non-s...
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