Common Question: How Much Does Liposuction Cost?
The world of plastic surgery goes through constant development. New technologies make their way into the market every year, making plastic surgeons' work more comfortable and safer. However, these changes can go even further. Similarly, depending on different factors, the p...
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Laser Blepharoplasty: The Advanced Technique to a Classic Procedure
“The eyes are the window to your soul,” one of our timeless classics believed. Whether it's true or not, the eyes are a trademark of beauty, and they deserve to be visible. Unfortunately, through natural aging and factors such as sunlight and gravity, the anatom...
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How Is A Scarless Labiaplasty Performed? Introducing Aviva FemTITE
Yes, we're going to talk about it - we’re going to talk about the place ~down there~. It’s the bikini spot, the leggings area, the topic that makes people blush: the labia. As women age, genetics, pregnancy, childbirth, weight loss, physical trauma, and ot...
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Face Mask Beauty? How to Look Younger in a Mask
While everyone is hoping that the waning COVID-19 numbers are a sign that the pandemic is reaching an end, one thing is for sure: masks aren't going away. Many politicians across the country have agreed that mask mandates are here to stay. This implies that even when the pa...
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Florida Plastic Surgeon Who Sings His Patients to Sleep: Meet Dr. Vinyard
Every single plastic surgeon devotes years of active learning before being entrusted with your aesthetic goals. From college to fellowship training, future plastic surgeons immerse themselves in the study of both anatomy and aesthetics, with the will to help patients improve thei...
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CoolSculpting vs. CoolSculpting Elite: Which Is Better?
With more than 8 million procedures performed worldwide, in the space of a decade, CoolSculpting® Legacy has definitely earned a place amongst the best body-contouring treatments available on the market. Its superior fat-freezing technology allows patients to lose u...
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FACEtite vs. Kybella? Why We Prefer FACEtite
Before 2015, the neck and chin rejuvenation world was dominated by the scalpel. However, 2015 saw the emergence of a revolutionary treatment: Kybella by Allergan. Kybella is an FDA-approved injection treatment with the intent of bringing the monopoly of scalpel treatments in neck...
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What Does CoolSculpting Elite Cost? How This New Machine Is Bringing Down the Cost of CoolSculpting while Improving Results
For more than ten years, CoolSculpting® Legacy has been a leader in the body-contouring treatment space, helping hundreds of thousands of US patients every year lose stubborn fatty tissue. With its superior cryolipolysis technology, CoolSculpting® Legacy targets...
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Why Is CoolPeelTM So Cool?
CO2 lasers have long represented the standard of excellence in dealing with natural aging signs, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots by tightening and improving the skin tone. However, patients have often been deterred from the benefits of traditional CO2 treatments by th...
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Will CoolSculpting Elite Rule the World?
For more than a decade now, CoolSculpting® Legacy has been one of the top choices for patients who wanted to lose stubborn fatty tissue in a non-surgical and non-invasive way. With more than 8 million procedures performed worldwide proved to be the missing link in t...
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