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No one truly can point to the instigator of the “duck lips” trend that has been running rampant in pop culture for years now. The popularity of the pout continues to rise as social media influencers refine their selfie skills more and more. Miley Cyrus and Kylie Jenner have been some of the greatest champions of the duck lips and the plump pout that so many women are trying to achieve.

But no matter how much lip liner or lip gloss you apply, you might be finding that your lips just can’t hit the level you are wishing they would…and there’s a simple fix! Juvederm is a cosmetic gel filler specifically designed to help you achieve the full, luscious, and sensual look of your dreams with long lasting results. We don’t really need to say any more, but just in case that alone doesn’t convince you, here’s some more information on Juvederm lip fillers, and how you can have a successful experience with them.

What is Juvederm?

Juvederm is a cosmetic solution to an age old dilemma: how to get the smile of your dreams! It is an injectable gel that contains hyaluronic acid, which is one of the most essential substances your body creates. Hyaluronic acid sparks the creation of collagen, which connects the tissues in your body. As one ages, both hyaluronic acid and collagen production slow, which can cause your skin to lose it’s bounce and tautness.

Your doctor will mark the areas you are hoping to bring rejuvenation to with a pen, and then inject Juvederm into the targeted areas. After the procedure is over (which generally lasts anywhere from 15-60 minutes) your doctor will apply slight pressure to make sure the gel is properly distributed, and minimize possible swelling.

Juvederm is wonderfully equipped to deal with any discomfort by containing a small amount of Lidocaine, which will help reduce any pain you may experience as a result of the injections.

How to Prepare for Lip Injections

When considering lip fillers, it’s helpful to schedule an initial consultation with the plastic surgeon of your choice to discuss your desired outcome. Some patients choose to have their lips gradually enhanced over several spaced out appointments, rather than having everything done at once for a dramatic difference. If you are hoping to walk out with a sizably different smile, it will be best to communicate that expectation to your doctor ahead of time. Ask about refraining from any pain relievers or supplements that might contribute to bruising after your injections.

Should You Bring Pictures To Your Appointment?

Just like some people prefer to bring a picture of their hoped-for haircuts to the barber shop, you may wonder if it will be helpful for your plastic surgeon if you bring a picture to your initial consultation. 

This can be a helpful way to communicate your desired outcome, but be mindful that just as some hairstyles are difficult to replicate, some pouts are tough to achieve for certain lips. Depending on a host of factors including your face shape, the sizes of your upper and bottom lips, and several others.

Be mindful that just as some hairstyles are difficult to replicate, some pouts are tough to achieve for certain lips

How Long Do Lip Fillers Last?

When your injections are administered by a board certified professional surgeon, the likelihood that the effects of the Juvederm will last as long as possible is significantly increased. Under ideal circumstances, your Juvederm enhancements will last up to one year. It’s possible to schedule sessions to refresh your smile before or after your injections wear off.

What Does Recovery From Juvederm Injections Look Like?

Recovery from Juvederm injections is actually incredibly quick; some people need absolutely no downtime and continue their normal schedules right after their appointments. There is a chance that there will be some swelling post-operation, but applying ice regularly for the first day or two will assist in dealing with any swelling or discomfort. It’s also recommended that you steer clear of hot beverages and straws for a few days as your lips may be a bit tender.

What If I Don't Love My Lips?

A common fear is that once your lips are filled, what happens if you aren’t in love with the outcome. Though this is a rare occurrence, most cosmetic surgeons are able to dissolve your gel filler with something called hyaluronidase, an enzyme that causes hyaluronic acid to dissolve quickly and safely. So if you’re nervous, be reassured: you can go back (but you probably won’t want to!).

So if you’re nervous, be reassured: you can go back (but you probably won’t want to!)

Look No Further!

Ready to take the plunge and get your smile lusciously kissable before Valentine’s Day? Schedule an initial consultation with a plastic surgeon near you, and get your selfie cam ready-no filters necessary.

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The Halo Laser vs. CoolPeel: Why We Prefer CoolPeel!

February 15, 2023 No Comments

Are you looking for a skin treatment that can revive your complexion and make you look youthful and refreshed? There are several options on the market, but two treatments that stand out are the Halo Laser and CoolPeel. In this article, we will discuss the difference between these two treatments and explain why we prefer CoolPeel.

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Chin Implants vs. Dermal Fillers: Why We Prefer Dermal Fillers at VIPS!

February 13, 2023 No Comments

Are you considering chin enhancement surgery? You’re not alone. Chin augmentation procedures, also known as genioplasty, have been on the rise in recent years. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates that over 40,000 chin augmentation surgeries were performed in 2020. If you’re considering this procedure, you’re probably wondering whether a chin implant or a dermal filler procedure is the right choice for you. While both can add definition and contour to the chin, dermal fillers are now the preferred option. Here’s why.

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Discover How BOTOX Can Help Treat Bruxism or Teeth Grinding!

February 10, 2023 No Comments

If you are experiencing constant soreness in your jaw and teeth, it could be a sign of bruxism, or teeth grinding. Bruxism affects many adults, with an estimated 13% affected by sleep bruxism and 5% by daytime bruxism. Fortunately, BOTOX injections offer an accessible, fast-acting, and effective treatment option for this condition. Here is what you need to know.

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